Note: This is not the complete source code--just the main source file.
You can download the full source (with include files) from our sample code archive by clicking on the diskette icons.

<!-- #include file="" -->
<!-- #include file="" -->
<!-- #include file="" -->
<!-- #include file="" -->
'// Ping engine
'// version 2004-08-20
'// This file defines a class that implements the Ping
'// engine. Use with
'// Ping is a simple network diagnostic utility that can
'// check to see if a host is reachable or look for packet
'// loss along the network path.
'// Inputs (form variables):
'//   - addr       (string) Domain or ip address to ping
'//   - count      (int)    Number of packets to send
'//   - size       (long)   Size of packets to send (bytes)
'//   - ttl        (int)    Time-to-live setting for outgoing packets (hops)
'//   - timeout    (long)   Time to wait for a reply (ms)
'//   - no_frag    (bool)   Don't allow fragmentation of packets
'// HexGadgets (components) required:
'//   - HexIcmp
'//   - HexLookup
'// Info:
'// Download:
'// Other dependencies:
'//   -
'//   -
'//   -
'//   -
'//   - VBScript 5.0 or later
'//     Get the latest at
'// History:
'// 2004-08-20  Limited packet size to prevent use for DoS attacks
'// 2002-08-14  Created
'// Copyright 2002 Hexillion Technologies. All rights reserved.

class Ping

	property Get Name()
		Name = "Ping"
	end property
	property Get Desc()
		Desc = "See if a host is reachable"
	end property
	property Get ViewSourceURL()
		ViewSourceURL = ""
	end property
	property Get DownloadSourceURL()
		DownloadSourceURL = ""
	end property
	private m_oIcmp      '// HexIcmp object
	private m_oLkup      '// HexLookup object
	private m_sAddr      '// DNS server address
	private m_iCount     '// Number of packets to send
	private m_lSize      '// Size of packets to send
	private m_iTtl       '// TTL setting in outgoing packets
	private m_lTimeout   '// Time to wait for each packet
	private m_bNoFrag    '// Disallow fragmentation
	private m_lLkupErr   '// HexLookup license error
	private m_lIcmpErr   '// HexIcmp license error

	Private Sub Class_Initialize()
		'// Create objects
		set m_oLkup = Server.CreateObject( "Hexillion.HexLookup" )
		set m_oIcmp = Server.CreateObject( "Hexillion.HexIcmp" )
		'// Save license error codes
		m_lLkupErr = m_oLkup.Error
		m_lIcmpErr = m_oIcmp.Error
	end sub

	Private Sub Class_Terminate()
		set m_oLkup = nothing
		set m_oIcmp = nothing
	end sub
	Sub WriteForm()
		'// Check for form input, set defaults
		m_sAddr = GetVar( m_sAddr, "addr",    c_varDomain,        null )
		m_sAddr = GetVar( m_sAddr, c_varNone, c_varIpAddr,        null )
		m_sAddr = GetVar( m_sAddr, c_varNone, c_varDerivedDomain, null )
		m_sAddr = GetVar( m_sAddr, c_varNone, c_varDerivedIpAddr, request( "REMOTE_HOST" ) )
		m_iCount   = cint(  GetVar( m_iCount,   "count",   c_varPingCount,   5 ) )
		m_lSize    = clng(  GetVar( m_lSize,    "size",    c_varPingSize,    32 ) )
		m_iTtl     = cint(  GetVar( m_iTtl,     "ttl",     c_varPingTtl,     m_oIcmp.SendTtl ) )
		m_lTimeout = clng(  GetVar( m_lTimeout, "timeout", c_varPingTimeout, m_oIcmp.Timeout ) )
		m_bNoFrag  = cbool( GetVar( m_bNoFrag,  "no_frag", c_varNone,        false ) )

		WriteLn "<form method=""POST"" action=""" & request( "SCRIPT_NAME" ) & """ id=form1>"
		WriteLn "	<table cellpadding=""5"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"">"
		WriteLn "		<tr>"
		WriteLn "			<td align=""right"">domain or IP address</td>"
		WriteLn "           <td class=""bugfix"" colspan=""3"">"
		WriteLn "               <input type=""text"" name=""addr"" size=""30"" value=""" & Server.HtmlEncode( m_sAddr ) & """>&nbsp;"
		WriteLn "           </td>"
		WriteLn "		</tr>"
		WriteLn "		<tr>"
		WriteLn "			<td align=""right"">packets to send</td>"
		WriteLn "           <td class=""bugfix"">"
		WriteLn "               <input type=""text"" name=""count"" size=""7"" value=""" & Server.HtmlEncode( m_iCount ) & """>"
		WriteLn "           </td>"
		WriteLn "			<td align=""right"">timeout (ms)</td>"
		WriteLn "           <td class=""bugfix"">"
		WriteLn "               <input type=""text"" name=""timeout"" size=""7"" value=""" & Server.HtmlEncode( m_lTimeout ) & """>"
		WriteLn "           </td>"
		WriteLn "		</tr>"
		WriteLn "		<tr>"
		WriteLn "			<td align=""right"">data size (bytes)</td>"
		WriteLn "           <td class=""bugfix"">"
		WriteLn "               <input type=""text"" name=""size"" size=""7"" value=""" & Server.HtmlEncode( m_lSize ) & """>"
		WriteLn "           </td>"
		WriteLn "			<td align=""right"">ttl (hops)</td>"
		WriteLn "           <td class=""bugfix"">"
		WriteLn "               <input type=""text"" name=""ttl"" size=""7"" value=""" & Server.HtmlEncode( m_iTtl ) & """>"
		WriteLn "           </td>"
		WriteLn "		</tr>"
		WriteLn "		<tr>"
		WriteLn "           <td>&nbsp;</td>"
		Response.Write "<td valign=""bottom"" colspan=""2""><input type=""checkbox"" value=""true"" name=""no_frag"""
		if m_bNoFrag then Response.Write " checked"
		WriteLn "> don't fragment</td>"
		WriteLn "           <td><input border=""0"" src=""btn_go.gif"" name=""go"" type=""image"" width=""35"" height=""21"" hspace=""20""></td>"

		WriteLn "		</tr>"
		WriteLn "	</table>"
		WriteLn "</form>"
	end sub
	sub WriteOutput()
		if "" <> request( "addr" ) then DoPing
		'// Main work is put off in separate routine
		'// so "exit sub" statements won't skip the following
		WriteLicenseWarning "HexIcmp", m_oIcmp, m_lIcmpErr
		WriteLicenseWarning "HexLookup", m_oLkup, m_lLkupErr
	end sub
	private sub DoPing()
		'// Check timeout
		if m_lTimeout < 0 or m_lTimeout > 30000 then
			WriteLn "<p>Timeout must be from 1 to 30000.</p>"
			exit sub
		end if

		'// Check count
		if m_iCount < 0 or m_iCount > 30 then
			WriteLn "<p>Number of packets must be from 1 to 30.</p>"
			exit sub
		end if

		'// Check count combined with timeout
		dim iWorstCaseTime
		iWorstCaseTime = m_lTimeout * m_iCount
		if iWorstCaseTime > 30000 then
			WriteLn "<p>(Number of packets * Timeout) must be less than 30000.</p>"
			exit sub
		end if
		'// Check send size
		'// MS ping send size is payload data only (does not include IP header or ICMP header)
		'// Unix ping send size is ICMP header and payload (does not include IP header)
		'// HexIcmp.SendSize is IP header (20 bytes) + ICMP header (8 bytes) + payload
		'// To avoid additional confusion, this utility will adopt the MS ping definition of size.
		'// Max size is normally 65507, but limit it here to prevent users
		'// from using this utility to launch effective denial-of-service attacks.
		if m_lSize < 0 or m_lSize > 100 then
			WriteLn "<p>Data size must be from 0 to 100.</p>"
			exit sub
		end if
		'// Check ttl
		if m_iTtl < 1 or m_iTtl > 255 then
			WriteLn "<p>TTL must be from 1 to 255.</p>"
			exit sub
		end if

		'// Condition input address
		m_sAddr = trim( m_sAddr )
		'// Try to get an IP address
		dim lAddr
	    lAddr = m_oLkup.LookUp( m_sAddr )
		if 0 = lAddr then
			WriteLn "<p>Lookup of <span class=""ipaddr"">" & Server.HtmlEncode( m_sAddr ) & "</span> failed.</p>"
			exit sub
		end if

	    '// Get ready to set cookie
		'// Write input variables to non-persistent cookie
		'// for use with other utilities and future calls to
		'// this one
	    '// If the input was an IP address...
	    if m_sAddr = m_oLkup.AddrToString( lAddr ) then
			SetVar c_varIpAddr, m_sAddr
			SetVar c_varDomain, m_sAddr
			SetVar c_varDerivedIpAddr, lAddr
		end if
		SetVar c_varPingCount, m_iCount
		SetVar c_varPingSize, m_lSize
		SetVar c_varPingTtl, m_iTtl
		SetVar c_varPingTimeout, m_lTimeout
		WriteLn "<p>Pinging <span class=""ipaddr"">" & Server.HtmlEncode( m_sAddr ) & _
		        " [" & m_oLkup.AddrToString( lAddr ) & "]</span> " & _
		        "with " & m_lSize & " bytes of data...</p>"
		WriteLn "<h3>Results</h3>"
		WriteLn "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"">"
		WriteLn "	<tr>"
		WriteLn "		<td class=""hdr"" width=""50"" align=""right"" valign=""top"">count</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td class=""hdr"" width=""50"" align=""right"" valign=""top"">ttl (hops)</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td class=""hdr"" width=""50"" align=""right"" valign=""top"">rtt (ms)</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td class=""hdr"" width=""4"" align=""right"" valign=""top"">&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td class=""hdr"" width=""100"" align=""left"" valign=""top"">from</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td width=""4"">&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "	</tr>"
		WriteLn "</table>"

		'// Send what we have so far to browser
		'// Set up the ping parameters
		m_oIcmp.SendSize = m_lSize + 28  '// Convert from payload size to total IP packet size
		m_oIcmp.SendTtl = m_iTtl
		m_oIcmp.SendAllowFrag = not m_bNoFrag
		m_oIcmp.Timeout = m_lTimeout
		dim i, iReceived, iLost, lRttMin, lRttMax, lRttSum, lRtt
		iReceived = 0
		lRttMin = m_lTimeout
		lRttMax = 0
		lRttSum = 0
		'// Do the pinging
		for i = 1 to m_iCount
			if not Response.IsClientConnected then exit sub
			WriteLn "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"">"
			WriteLn "	<tr>"
			WriteLn "		<td width=""50"" align=""right"" valign=""bottom"">" & i & "</td>"
			lRtt = m_oIcmp.Ping( lAddr )
			'// If there was an error...
			if lRtt < 0 then
				'// Leave the numeric fields blank
				WriteLn "		<td width=""50"">&nbsp;</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td width=""50"">&nbsp;</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td width=""4"">&nbsp;</td>"
				'// Only display the IP address for cases in which
				'// the error might have come from the address
				select case m_oIcmp.Error
					case hexIcmpErrDestNetUnreachable, _
					     hexIcmpErrDestHostUnreachable, _
					     hexIcmpErrDestProtUnreachable, _
					     hexIcmpErrDestPortUnreachable, _
					     hexIcmpErrPacketTooBig, _
					     hexIcmpErrTtlExpiredTransit, _
					     hexIcmpErrTtlExpiredReassm, _
					     hexIcmpErrParamProblem, _
						WriteLn "		<td width=""100"">" & m_oLkup.AddrToString( m_oIcmp.RecvAddr ) & "</td>"
					case else
						WriteLn "		<td width=""100"">&nbsp;</td>"
				end select
				'// Write the error message
				WriteLn "		<td width=""4"">&nbsp;</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td valign=""top"">" & Server.HtmlEncode( GetIcmpErrorString( m_oIcmp.Error ) ) & "</td>"
				'// We got a successful reply
				'// Update the stats
				iReceived = iReceived + 1
				if lRtt > lRttMax then lRttMax = lRtt
				if lRtt < lRttMin then lRttMin = lRtt
				lRttSum = lRttSum + lRtt				
				'// Display the results
				WriteLn "		<td width=""50"" align=""right"" valign=""bottom"">" & m_oIcmp.RecvTtl & "</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td width=""50"" align=""right"" valign=""bottom"">" & lRtt & "</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td width=""4"">&nbsp;</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td width=""100"">" & m_oLkup.AddrToString( m_oIcmp.RecvAddr ) & "</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td width=""4"">&nbsp;</td>"
				WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
			end if
			WriteLn "	</tr>"
			WriteLn "</table>"
		iLost = m_iCount - iReceived
		dim sRttMin, sRttAvg, sRttMax
		if iReceived > 0 then
			sRttMin = lRttMin
			sRttAvg = cint( lRttSum / iReceived )
			sRttMax = lRttMax
			sRttMin = "-"
			sRttAvg = "-"
			sRttMax = "-"
		end if
		'// Display the stats
		WriteLn "<h3>Statistics</h3>"
		WriteLn "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""4"">"
		WriteLn "	<tr>"
		WriteLn "		<td class=""hdr"" align=""right"" valign=""top"">packets</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>sent</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td align=""right"">" & m_iCount & "</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td width=""40"">&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "	</tr>"
		WriteLn "	<tr>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>received</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td align=""right"">" & iReceived & "</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td width=""40"" align=""right"">" & cint( iReceived / m_iCount * 100 ) & "%</td>"
		WriteLn "	</tr>"
		WriteLn "	<tr>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>lost</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td align=""right"">" & iLost & "</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td width=""40"" align=""right"">" & cint( iLost / m_iCount * 100 ) & "%</td>"
		WriteLn "	</tr>"
		WriteLn "	<tr height=""20""></tr>"
		WriteLn "	<tr>"
		WriteLn "		<td class=""hdr"" align=""right"" valign=""top"">times (ms)</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>min</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td align=""right"">" & sRttMin & "</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "	</tr>"
		WriteLn "	<tr>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>avg</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td align=""right"">" & sRttAvg & "</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "	</tr>"
		WriteLn "	<tr>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>max</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td align=""right"">" & sRttMax & "</td>"
		WriteLn "		<td>&nbsp;</td>"
		WriteLn "	</tr>"
		WriteLn "</table>"
	end sub
	private sub WriteLn( s )
		Response.Write s & vbcrlf
	end sub
end class