Note: This is not the complete source code--just the main source file.
You can download the full source (with include files) from our sample code archive by clicking on the diskette icons.


<%@ EnableSessionState=False LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %>
Option explicit
Response.Buffer = false
'// ValidateEmail sample script
'// Demonstrates use of HexValidEmail
'// Copyright (C) 2000 Hexillion Technologies. All rights reserved.
<!-- #include file="" -->
<!-- #include file="" -->


<title>Hexillion ValidateEmail sample</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" vlink="#808080" link="#0000FF">

dim oVE
dim sAddr, iLevel, lTimeoutDns, lTimeoutSmtp
dim bExtraText, bDomainDot, bDomainLiterals, bMx, bVrfy, bCatchAll
dim sErr

'// Create object
set oVE = Server.CreateObject( "HexValidEmail.Connection" )

'// Check for form input, set defaults
sAddr = Request( "addr" )
if "" = sAddr then sAddr = ""

if "" <> request( "level" ) then
	iLevel = cint( request( "level" ) )
	iLevel = hexVeLevelSmtp
end if

if "" <> request( "to_dns" ) then
	lTimeoutDns = clng( request( "to_dns" ) )
	lTimeoutDns = oVE.Timeouts(hexVeTimeoutDnsTotal)
end if

if "" <> request( "to_smtp" ) then
	lTimeoutSmtp = clng( request( "to_smtp" ) )
	lTimeoutSmtp = oVE.Timeouts(hexVeTimeoutSmtpTotal)
end if

bExtraText = ("" <> request( "extra_text" ))
bDomainDot = ("" <> request( "domain_dot" ))
bDomainLiterals = ("" <> request( "dom_literals" ))
bMx = ("" <> request( "mx" ))
bVrfy = ("" <> request( "vrfy" ))
bCatchAll = ("" <> request( "catchall" ))


<table cellpadding="5" width="100%"><tr>
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#E1EFFF"><font face="Arial" size="5"><strong>ValidateEmail sample</strong></font>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#E1EFFF">
<form method="POST" action="<%= request( "SCRIPT_NAME" ) %>">
	<table cellpadding="5">
			<td>email address<br>
			<input type="text" name="addr" size="35" value="<%= server.HTMLEncode( sAddr ) %>"></td>
			<td>validation level<br>
				<select name="level">
dim i
For i = hexVeLevelSyntax To hexVeLevelSmtp
	Response.Write "<option "
	if iLevel = i then Response.Write "selected "
	Response.Write "value=""" & i & """>" & GetVeLevelString( i ) & "</option>" & vbcrlf
			<td valign="bottom"><input type="submit" value="Go" name="B1"></td>
			<td>DNS timeout (ms)<br><input type="text" name="to_dns" size="10" value="<%= lTimeoutDns %>"></td>
			<td colspan="2">SMTP timeout (ms)<br><input type="text" name="to_smtp" size="10" value="<%= lTimeoutSmtp %>"></td>
			<td><input type="checkbox" name="extra_text" value="1" <%= iif( bExtraText, "checked", "" ) %>>allow extra text</td>
			<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="domain_dot" value="1" <%= iif( bDomainDot, "checked", "" ) %>>don't require domain dot</td>
			<td><input type="checkbox" name="dom_literals" value="1" <%= iif( bDomainLiterals, "checked", "" ) %>>disallow domain literals</td>
			<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="mx" value="1" <%= iif( bMx, "checked", "" ) %>>require MX records</td>
			<td><input type="checkbox" name="vrfy" value="1" <%= iif( bVrfy, "checked", "" ) %>>try VRFY and EXPN</td>
			<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="catchall" value="1" <%= iif( bCatchAll, "checked", "" ) %> ID="Checkbox1">test for catch-all</td>

<td valign="top" bgcolor="#E1EFFF">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="7">
	<td colspan="2">powered by <b><a href="" target="_top">HexGadgets</a></b>
	<br><font size="-1">
	<a href="" target="_blank">view source</a>
	&nbsp; |&nbsp; <a href="" target="_top">download</a>
WriteLicenseRow "HexValidEmail", oVE

if "" <> request( "addr" ) then
	dim iRating

	'// Identify yourself for SMTP (use your own information here)
	'// See
	oVE.FromDomain = ""                '// The domain name of your machine
	oVE.FromEmail = ""   '// Email address of technical contact person

	'// Optional step: set options
	oVE.Options = oVE.Options or iif( bExtraText, hexVeOptionAllowExtraText, 0 ) _
	                          or iif( bDomainDot, hexVeOptionDontRequireDomainDot, 0 ) _
	                          or iif( bDomainLiterals, hexVeOptionDisallowDomainLiterals, 0 ) _
	                          or iif( bMx, hexVeOptionRequireMx, 0 ) _
	                          or iif( bVrfy, hexVeOptionTryVrfyAndExpn, 0 ) _
	                          or iif( bCatchAll, hexVeOptionTestForCatchAll, 0 )
	'// Optional step: set timeouts
	oVE.Timeouts(hexVeTimeoutDnsTotal).Value = lTimeoutDns
	oVE.Timeouts(hexVeTimeoutSmtpTotal).Value = lTimeoutSmtp
	'// Do the validation
	iRating = oVE.Validate( sAddr, iLevel )

<h3><font face="Arial">Results</font></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
		<td align="right" valign="baseline">confidence rating:</td>
		<td valign="baseline"><tt><b><%= iRating & " - " & GetVeLevelString( iRating ) %></b></tt>
		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" target="_top">what this means</a></td>
		<td align="right" valign="baseline">error:</td>
		<td valign="baseline"><tt><b><%= GetVeErrorString( oVE.Error ) %></b></tt></td>
	if len( oVE.LocalPart ) then
<h3><font face="Arial">Address parts</font></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
		<td align="right" valign="baseline">local part:</td>
		<td valign="baseline"><tt><b><%= oVE.LocalPart %></b></tt></td>
		<td align="right" valign="baseline">domain:</td>
		<td valign="baseline"><tt><b><%= oVE.Domain %></b></tt></td>
		<td align="right" valign="baseline">extra text:</td>
		<td valign="baseline"><tt><b><%= oVE.ExtraText %></b></tt></td>
	end if
	if oVE.MxRecs.Count then
<h3><font face="Arial">MX records</font></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
		<td>IP address (if included)</td>
		dim oMxRec
		for each oMxRec in oVE.MxRecs
			WriteLn "<tr>"
			WriteLn "<td align=""right""><tt><b>" & oMxRec.Preference & "</b></tt></td>"
			WriteLn "<td><tt><b>" & oMxRec.Exchange & "</b></tt></td>"
			WriteLn "<td><tt><b>[" & oVE.AddrToString( oMxRec.Addr ) & "]</b></tt></td>"
			WriteLn "</tr>"
		WriteLn "</table>"
	end if
	if len( oVE.SmtpSession ) then
		WriteLn "<h3><font face=""Arial"">SMTP session</font></h3>"
		WriteLn "<pre>" & server.HTMLEncode( oVE.SmtpSession ) & "</pre>"
	end if
end if

set oVE = nothing

sub WriteLn( s )
	Response.Write s & vbcrlf
end sub

function iif( b, v1, v2 )
	if b then
		iif = v1
		iif = v2
	end if
end function
