user: anonymous []
balance: 50 units
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Free online network tools

How this site works

The tools at are free for everyday, interactive use—no login required. Simply pick a tool on the left and use it.

As an anonymous user, you get 50 free service units every 24 hours. Whenever you use one of the tools, its cost in service units is deducted from your balance. If your balance runs out, you will get more free units at the end of the 24-hour period. The free units are more than enough for 99% of our users, but if you want extended or automated use of our tools, paid accounts are available.


Domain Dossier

Investigate domains and IP addresses. Get registrant information, DNS records, and more—all in one report.

or learn about yourself
Domain Check
See if a domain is available for registration.
Email Dossier
Validate and troubleshoot email addresses.
Browser Mirror
See what your browser reveals about you.
See if a host is reachable.
Trace the network path from this server to another.
Look up various domain resource records with this version of the classic NsLookup utility.